Pat and Suzann dance the night away.
Skagway, Alaska
A pack of seals just hangin' out.
We rafted through an eagle preserve. The eagles didn't seem to mind.
This was Randy's birthday present.
Roger and Rita took these great shots of bears and seals they saw on a day trip. Wonderful!
Randy launching the ship.
Champagne flowed all night.
Randy and Jen
Juneau, Alaska
Pat and Suzann snapped this great moose and calf shot.
Jen got this great whale shot.
Pat and Suzann got these great shots of a whale "bubble net."
Marshmellow roasting pit
At the Chilkoot mine
What the hell, I panned for gold.
Next day at Ketchikan, Alaska
We visited a Saxman native village which included a workshop tour of a totem pole master carver.

We saw original, ancient totem poles from the Tlingit Indian village on
Tongass Island and Village Island, circa 19th century, at the Totem Heritage Center.


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