Building our cabin in Lumberland!
Ready to build after being wrapped up all Winter, early March.
The new retaining wall is in, and we're ready to rock!
We visited the lumber yard and watched the milling of the logs that will be our cabin.
These actual logs will be our cabin very soon!
The de-barking machine before cutting.
Lathing the wood that will be our second floor siding.
The rest of the cabin is already milled, wrapped, and ready to go!
Randy standing in the "Great Room" during a visit in January.
The garage foundation is coming along great!
In December we took the train to Port Jervis to pick up our new Focus.
We took the new Focus to the site: the cabin's foundation was in!
The garage foundation forms are up.
Dave standing in the "Great Room" in front of the prow windows.
In November we went up to watch the ground excavation begin.
Randy snuck into one of the machines while I watched the driveway being poured.
We dug in for a while then relaxed by the pond.

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